Restorative Yoga and Marma Points Workshop
Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop
Aromatic and Essential Oils Workshop
Relax Deeply
2 Day Restorative Workshop

Restorative Yoga
Mid Summer Relax Deeply Workshop
July 9, 2016 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Using the yogic wisdom of Restorative Yoga and Marma Points enhance your energy flow and resolve blockages, experience an olfactory awakening through the assistance of aromatic oils and than slip into a deeply restful guided meditation of Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) guiding you systematically through your body, resulting in deep relaxation and allowing you to re-set your goals and life intention in the most amazing way. You will be in a beautifully appointed quiet and safe space illuminated by soft candle light, accompanied by soothing and relaxing music.
No prior yoga experience is necessary, only an open mind and the desire to feel better in your body. Limited to 15 students.
$ 35 individual or $ 60 per couple. Gift cards available.
Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop
The Science of Life/ The Knowledge of Living
Learn to live healthy! Be your most efficient, living in balance with your body, mind and spirit.
Make discoveries about your ayurvedic constitution, your “prakriti”, and how it affects your perception and expression.
Understand your eating habits and how they affect your digestive capability. Learn about the six tastes and addiction, why addictions must be broken gradually. Stop dieting, losing and regaining weight. Learn to live in greater harmony, becoming an expert at living your daily life.
Develop a specific sequence of “asana”, yoga postures, for your body's constitutional type, with the optimum “pranayama”, breathing exercise.
Enjoy a guided meditation and relaxation to complete this powerful workshop. Please wear comfortable clothing, bring socks and an eye pillow (or scarf) to cover your eyes for the relaxation.
Dates to be announced soon!

Essential Oils and Restorative Yoga Workshop
Not offered at this time.
De-stress and relax deeply with the help of essential oils and restorative yoga postures.
Explore your marma points from the yoga/ayurveda traditions of India. Learn acupressure techniques for these “energy amplification” points. Identify the three most beneficial aromatic oils for your specific needs, from stress relief to memory boost. Take positive charge of your life with simple and effective techniques that you can take on the road to practice anytime and anywhere.
No prior yoga experience is necessary; please wear comfortable clothing and bring your eye pillow or scarf.

Relax Deeply Workshop
Saturday October 28th, 2017 2:30 - 4:30 pm @ the Still and Moving Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
Come and join us on this voyage through the different layers of the body. You will be led through a sequence of restorative yoga postures, that support the body in finding deep relaxation by moving into the parasympathetic nervous system and out of the “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system. We will explore some of the marma points - “energy amplification “ points – from the Indian tradition, and manipulate them through acupressure,
facilitating the circulation of vital force energy through the entire body. Aromatic essential oils, beautifully uplifting and serene music, and candlelight will accompany you through your voyage into a deeply relaxed state, culminating in a guided meditation. Each participant will leave with a handout suggesting a sequence of the vital acupressure points to try at home. No prior yoga experience is necessary, only an open mind and the desire to feel better in your body. Aum, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Great for personal restoration.
Treat yourself to deep relaxation. $39 individual or $60 per couple. Gift cards available.